Annual Recertification Fee

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Product Description

Certified ChiRunning and ChiWalking Instructors, you can pay your Annual Recertification fee on this page.

If your payment due is $325 as a ChiRunning® and ChiWalking® Instructor, simply add to cart and pay.

If you are a ChiWalking® Instructor, your minimum payment due is $90. Select ChiWalking® in the drop down menu next to Fee. Once selected the dollar amount will read $90. Add to cart and pay.

If your payment due is different than either of the above, select Alternative Fee and the dollar amount shown will be $1. In the Quantity box add how many dollars are due. If you owe $500, put in a quantity of 500. This will NOT show up on this page, but once you add to cart, you will see that $500 is in your cart to be paid.

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